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Ila Moana: // means The Goddess of Speech, Earth and Heaven in Sanskrit and Aura in Hebrew, Moana means Deep Ocean. 

Ila is a Planetary Visionary (He)artist, that is able to translate revolutionary blueprint, divine assignment she calls them into an (He) artistic expression. 


She is a Writer, Singer, Tao Tantra Sacred Femininity Teacher,  Kaula Tantra Yoga Teacher, Holistic Health Coach, Merkaba Healer and an Eternal Student of Creation. 


She started traveling all over the planet since she was eighteen years old, on a quest to find answers to life’s biggest questions. 


She found the Answers answered with Divine Love within the center of her heart that opened up infinite dimensions, that made here remember her mission on Earth.


She is incredibly passionate about integrating regenerative solutions in existing businesses, and yet to be birthed organizations, to create bridges for collective transformation into a thriving abundant planet for all beings.


She shows the correlation between disconnection from life force energy/sexual energy resulting in a massive imbalance that results in all sorts of problems as climate change, disease, pandemics and how with simple changes this could be resolved collectively. 



She is a Multidimensional Priestess, an Initiator, with crystal clear clarity, she has a very playful motherly nurturing energy, that transform into a lioness when there is any injustice. 


She loves to sing, cook, create, dance, play, read and talk about her extraordinary visions for Planet Earth.


She is in love with the frequency of divine love. 


She is a realised miracle that celebrates the gif of creation through her connection with her heartbeat and the eternal breath of life.


She empowers all those she encounters with a big bright smile on her face. 


Healing Nurturing Touch 

Crystal Clear Clarity 

Divine Messenger

Planetary Visionary 

The ability to surrender 

Transforming every moment into joy 

Her Voice

Igniting the divine spark that is dormant in everyone around her


Breath,  Movement, Sound, Touch, Vision



Innocent, Happy Buddha, Crystal Star Child, Birther, Mother. 

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